Dr. D Product Review: NeoTerra Stickers + Markers

Hello there Infinity players, even if you don’t know you are one yet, and Human Sphere consumers.

One of the first pieces of art I saw Sebby create. I instantly fell in love.

Its Dr. D here again with a quick product review. My friend Sebby is a very talented artist, and he decided he was going to create some super neat stickers and markers to sell on the internet. The drive to create was too strong for him and he could not control himself.

TLDR: These stickers are great, and you should buy them by clicking on this link.

Now, lets start this out on a constructive feedback kind of way. Sebby might be a great, but he is a flawed individual. How do I know this? Because he started with PanOceania models.

The best part of trying to be a better person is rising above the mistakes of others and only holding it over them when they are the most vulnerable. I am pretty sure Sun Tzu said that.

That being said, let’s take a look at what he made.

Full disclosure, Sebby sent me the stickers free of charge and is a friend of mine, so know that this entire review will be negatively tinted since I know what he did last summer.

Sebby sent me everything he created and it all easily fit inside of a tiny envelope. He might up his game for deliveries later, but everything came out perfect in just a reinforced envelope. The stickers were thick enough to survive transport, and he supported them with a thin cardboard square with great art to make sure it didn’t get bent midtravel.

The units that I recognize with my tiny brain are Hexas, Bolt, Locust, and, I believe, a Squalo.

I am a huge fan of the art style and it really reminds me of the more anime-inspired models from the older N2 days. I think they fit right in with the aesthetic while also showing off his particular style of art. As someone who does not play with or against PanO very frequently I was able to tell what everything was easily.

Honestly, my favorite part of the entire thing.

Sebby also create his own little Cybermask and Camo tokens. I would adore having a set of these for the models that I use for my armies. They fold fairly easily and should hold up very well with just a little glue in-between the two sides of the art and to a base if you want to give it a little stability. I warn against using too much since the material will get warped if you use too much.

I made sure to check and the fold outs on the bottom do fit on the correct sized base. MAYBE they are slightly larger, but it should be very easy to trim it up with a sharp knife or scissors.

So there you have it. A quick little review of a simple, but very effective, fun product. I will be decorating my carrying bag with these stickers and handing them out as prizes at the events I am running. These stickers will make GREAT little pick ups for the people who rank in the middle and the bottom rungs of a tournament if they have already grabbed all of the patches and silhouette tokens they could ever need.

He might even be willing to create custom things for you to hand out as a match up gift or a specific event, but you would have to contact him.

Oops, I accidently left his contact information on my highly traveled article. How clumsy of me.

If you would like to buy some for yourself and your community just click here. Sebby is doing it all on his own and could use all of the support we can muster from our incredible little community. Make sure you tell him Dr. D or Arachne sent you.

Of course you can always find me on EVERY episode of Arachne: An Infinity Podcast where we talk about all kinds of stuff that I hope everyone can enjoy. NOT just Infinity players. If you would like to support the network and ME specifically, please sign up to the Patreon at the Digital Nomad tier since it helps me afford the things I want to review or replace broken stuff that always loves to shows its ugly head.

It also helps support my nefarious plan to get Calamity Jack into the game of Infinity itself!

I have to say, it is my favorite podcast that I have personally created.

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